Tuesday, June 29, 2010



When you think of your dearest friends what are the names that jump out immediately?
  • Names of people you are now spending time with?
  • Name of your spouse?
  • Name of your present office colleagues?
In most cases these names hardly ever enter your mind.
The names that jump out immediately are mainly from your childhood or maybe from the first days at your work place.
Why is it so?

Well if I have to give a one line answer the reply would be
"Your best friend is a friend who is with you not because of what you are but who you are."
Extending it further we can say that
"Your best friend is a friend who is nothing else but himself."

In most of our adult life we become too biased in our views and rigid in our choices.
We focus on results and not on processes.
It is therefore no surprise that we focus on what rather than who and fail to find the true friend later in life.

Getting a new best friend is as tough as climbing the Everest without oxygen. Possible but difficult.
It is therefore very important that we retain our friendships.

Best regards,